- Backbone and Coffeescript Book
- How to build a responsive wordpress theme in bootstrap
- Paper.js a vector based canvas library
- The little book on coffeescript
- Sticky headers with just JS and CSS
- Redactor, a pleasant alternative to tinyMCE for content managment
- Behind the scenes of doodle jump in html5 canvas.
- CSS only sliding doors effects
- MDN JS network an excellent resource
- Javascript top 5 testing libraries
- Mona Lisa created with CSS3 Box Shadow
- If Hemmingway wrote Javascript
- Addy Osmanis guide to speedy js
- copybar.io CMS as a service
- OOCSS and SASS and different way of doing CSS
- Understanding OOP Javascript
- Learning Javascript with John Resig
- Toastr - A Handy visual alert library
- Rethinking the initialisation of events on document.ready
- Reddit - Javascript
- Creative.js a site about clever and interesting projects with JS and CSS
- An excellent How to for Monads in JS.
- Command Line Web Dev tools
- Using Chrome's timeline effectively
- Building CMS-free sites with Jekyll
- Codeschool's Try github.
- JS function invocation patterns
- classes in ECMA 6 does js need classes?
- HTML5 CSS3 JS Imageless color picker
- Mousetrap - a library for js keyboard shortcuts
- An insightful comment on the crazy world of code
- Unicode for geometric shapes ideal for scalable CSS icons
- Useful skills aside form coding
- teach your muscles to use your text editor
- What you can actually do in IE8
- html5 canvas libraries comparison
- give up FTP for git
- Breaking Bad logo in CSS and SVGs
- jQuery JSON Requests in Wordpress
- being more explicit in your demands of objects
- Javascript usage statistics
- From jQuery to Backbone
- CSS Custom filters
- Eloquent Javascript
- Brass Monkey - controlling a game via websockets
- HTML5 web notifications
- Node Beginner book
- html5demos.com examples of the latest technologies and their support
- Free courses on Knockout js and jQuery
- How I ended up enjoying Javascript
- CSS inverse rotations
- Datalist elements provide native autocomplete in html5
- Subtle Patterns, ideal for background images
- Optimizing JS for V8 (node and chrome)
- JSON Blob, a handy way to unpick your json